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Chapter Recruitment

Recruitment is one of the most exciting times of the year for every Kappa chapter. It is our chance to showcase Beta Xi and an opportunity to cultivate an incoming class of girls who epitomize what it means to be a Kappa. Recruitment is also one of the best chances we get to bond as a chapter and really get to know our sisters!

We encourage all eligible young women at UT to go through Panhellenic Recruitment. It is a wonderful experience that allows you to gain independence as you enter an exciting new chapter of life. Each day, each house, and each conversation affords you the chance to meet incredible people in all walks of university life. We hope to see you walk through our doors!

Recruitment dates will be available soon for Fall 2023. More information about UT Panhellenic Recruitment can be found here. 

Kappa Kappa Gamma requires a potential member to have attained at lease a “B+” average from high school or a “B-” from a previously completed term as a full-time university student. A chapter’s standing rule for Academic Membership can be higher than the Fraternity Bylaw for academic requirements.